Mastering the art of debate takes time, skills, patience and understanding.
Weekly debates in your classroom will have long-lasting benefits for students.
Debates encourage critical thinking and effective communication skills
Students need to be learn to independently research topics and issues and work in a teamwork and/or individually.
Debate teaches students to make informed judgments about crucial issues.
Included in this download
Over 40 Critical Thinking Task Cards
Suitable for KS3/KS4/KS5
Included in this 40 page download-
Multiple printables including:
My Healthy Plate
Healthy Foods versus Unhealthy Foods
Writing Templates
Ideal for EYFS and KS1
It’s time to stamp out bullying before it begins.
Display these posters around school halls and rooms to encourage children to Speak Up!
Download includes-
A pack of 15 Anti-Bullying Posters in Colour.
Can be used all year round to encourage anti-bullying.
Students need to be able to thrive and grow into mature, responsible and stable adults.
They need to be taught to believe in themselves and in life itself.
Download this Resource Pack today to teach Children 'The Pursuit of Happiness' and how they can achieve their goals.
Covers different areas of learning such as;
-Resilient Thinking
-Energy and Emotions
-Goals and Achievements
-Strengths and Weaknesses
-Happiness and how to achieve it
This is an EXTENSIVE pack (whole unit).
Includes over 80 pages
-One presentation
-Over 20 worksheets
-Task cards and writing prompts
-Writing Templates
-Literacy Templates (these can also used for CLL and PSHE)
The pack is differentiated and can be used for KS1/KS2
*EYFS would be able to use the Task Cards / Posters and Presentation.
The worksheets could be used but as part of discussion.
Download includes (2 resource packs- 1 presentation and 1 set of worksheets /printables)
If you need a KS3 version, you can find one by clicking the link below!
This resource enables students to reflect on what they have learned and express what or how they are thinking about the new information. Exit Slips easily incorporate writing into the content area classroom and require students to think critically. Exit slips easily incorporate writing into many different content areas.
Furthermore, the Exit Slip strategy is an informal assessment that will allow educators to adapt and differentiate their planning and instruction. These Exit Slips can either be put into student portfolios and/or stuck into class notebooks alongside the lesson.
These Exit Slips ask students for feedback on their lesson, what they have learned, what they may need extra support and/or guidance with. Exit slips can be used for all subjects.
Included in this download
-25 Exit Slips
Thinking Skills is an integral feature of the Foundation Stage.
This resource includes 120 cross-curricular questions. Choose one question to display EVERY morning for the children and make it part of CT. This will encourage those weaker students to participate. You can choose several children to answer the question or the class as a whole.
You can use this as part of your assessment, questions you should ask yourself-
-Can children ask questions and express the need to find out more?
- Are they self-critical? Do they accept suggestions from others? Are they open to challenge?
-Can they sort, order and classify information?
-Can they brainstorm?
-Do they appear confident?
This resource will develop a high quality thinking environment in the Early Years. It will enhance learning and enable quality thinking experiences.
120 Questions in Powerpoint Format (I have also included the pdf, if you want to print and laminate you can)
This resource can also be used for Year 1.
A wonderful pack to tackle friendships, anti-bullying and kindness in EYFS/KS1.
The pack includes several writing tasks (guided lines provided on most worksheets)
Classroom Posters
12 Kindness Task Cards
Acrostic Poem Template
12 Worksheets
1 Certificate
Real life photos showing simple acts of kindness (can be used for further discussion and/or descriptive writing)
Check out the preview!
Included in this 12 page download are over 10 Questions to encourage students to have a Growth Mindset rather than a Fixed Mindset.
Additional-A4 page with all the questions included - this can be stuck into a homework diary, students should be encouraged to read it and answer the questions on a daily or weekly basis.
Ideal for PSHE/Tutor Time and/or Circle Time for KS1.
This resource has just got a revamp for September 2017! It now contains over 15 posters! If you purchased this resource before, you can download again for FREE!
These can be used for No Bullying Week which is taking place this year between the 16th - 20th November. Display around school and/or use for discussing Anti-Bullying with your students.
Posters encourage students to 'SPEAK OUT', 'STAND UP' and 'STAND TOGETHER'.
If you require worksheets and writing activities, I have a BUMPER pack for Anti Bullying in my shop.
You can find it here -